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Body - Chapter 6 - The "me" that is "me"
Body - Chapter 6 - The "me" that is "me"
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
The “me” that is “me” It is high time that we return to an issue that has been lurking behind this book’s reflections now for some time. If the argument made so far is correct that Paul does not use the word ‘soul’ in the way that Plato did; that, in his writings, the word refers
Great Christian Thinkers - 57 St. Clare of Assisi
Great Christian Thinkers - 57 St. Clare of Assisi
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Clare of Assisi One of the best-loved saints is without a doubt St. Clare of Assisi, who lived in the thirteenth century and was a contemporary of St. Francis. Her testimony shows us how indebted the Church is to courageous women, full of faith like her, who can give a crucia
The Act of Prayer Year B - Second Sunday of Advent Year B
The Act of Prayer Year B - Second Sunday of Advent Year B
by BRF - John Birch
Second Sunday of Advent Year B Opening prayer As people walk by to purchase for those they love gifts that, in days to come, will fade from memory, within this place we gather in celebration of your loving gift to all of humankind…
Hymn: Doubt, composed in whispered voices
Hymn: Doubt, composed in whispered voices
by Andrew Pratt
Doubt, composed in whispered voices, nailed their thoughts through waiting days: days of shattered expectation, days devoid of love or praise. Boulders blocked imagination like the stone that sealed the tomb, startled, frightened, apprehensive, shut inside an upper room. Verses 2
Revelation bible study guide - The Thousand Year Reign and the Final Judgment
Revelation bible study guide - The Thousand Year Reign and the Final Judgment
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Thousand Year Reign And The Final Judgment Revelation 20 After I published my book Surprised by Hope, I had a number of letters and emails from people telling me their experiences with thinking it through, leading study groups on it and in some cases preaching in the new way
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 5 April 1931